Sunday, December 18, 2011
it ends with a happy ending :)
surprise surprise! I dyed my hair red! the first day was really red i.e close to Riri's but after a few wash it settled and lose a bit of Riri's brightness. will pose a picture soon cause I don't a proper one right now and my webcam failed ages ago. :(
its the 18th today and 12 more days till new years that means workload WILL be PILLING. but thats just life and I'll try to thrive off that. so good luck to me.
next year I'm planning to travel more and learn new things.
Don't worry about a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alryt
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 3
I'm having trouble trying to understand and pick my modules for this semester. I have no idea how to do this stuff. It's so confusing. And on top of it all it's very hard to ask for any seniors because I don't really know them that well. STRESS!! Hopefully I can get through stress management so I can easily cope with this in the future.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Fresher ALERT!!
My first day as a University student. So far nothing interesting has happened. I was just irritated by the endless talks and the perky seniors. Maybe because I was just tired due to unpacking my stuff and just got about 3 hours of sleep. I really feel tired now. I think for these four years I am going to be studying here my laptop will be one I'll write to often. It's bored now and it's only like 11 o'clock. Maybe I will go to bed in a while. Hope tomorrow I'll be in a better mood. Just want to sleep but when I actually attend to sleep, I just don't feel comfortable. My only wish tonight, hopefully I sleep well.
Friday, May 27, 2011
the script, I love!!
just got the new "the script" science and faith album!! so amazing!! better then the last one. i think cause its more romantic, well most of their stuff are the type of songs that would swipe a girl off her feet if someone wrote that for her. =) I now realize the big difference that changed i my sense of music and how I enjoy it. when I was still young I'll end up googling about the singer/band and praise them but now I'll just get the mood from the music and apply to my life. so far the script has a very LOVE-ish feeling. and I'm in love and I can relate to it the most. =) but I did saw them on MTV once, kinda cute the vocals. I'm all into life music.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011